DIY Vegetable Broth (From Scraps)!

What are you doing with your veggie scraps after making dinner? Throwing them away? I recently starting making my own veggie broth and it is my new favorite kitchen staple! You were likely going to throw those veggie scrapes away so why not reuse them a save yourself a few bucks! It’s really super simple,Continue reading “DIY Vegetable Broth (From Scraps)!”

What is a Pescatarian?

PescaWHAT?? pes·ca·tar·i·an/ˌpeskəˈterēən/noun a person who does not eat meat but does eat fish. Ok so know you know what a pescatarian is but are you familiar with the difference between vegetarian and vegan? Simply put, vegetarians avoid meat while vegans avoid all animal-sourced products, including eggs, dairy and honey. If we are being honest IContinue reading “What is a Pescatarian?”

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